Thursday, May 6, 2010

Challenge Day 4

Well I don't have pictures for this day because I went home to surprise my mom and dad.  Since I can't go home for Mother's day, I decided to go home now instead.  When I showed up, my mom gave me a great big hug and cried a little; which made me cry a little.

So, I don't have pictures, but I will describe what I wore.  I wore grey leggings, with a black, tiered, peasant-type, twirly skirt that is about knee length.

I wore a pink, half-button up t-shirt with a black sweater-thing over the top since it was rather chilly.

I didn't do a whole lot, just drove home, visited my mom at the library, and then went home and we had pancakes for dinner (one of my favorites) I always have my dad put chocolate chips in mine, yum!

But that's about it for now.  I actually got to bring home my mom's old sewing machine, so I can start making things and repairing things and such.  I'm really excited, I got a few pieces of fabric and patterns too!

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