Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ugh, is there no hope for some men? Today, at work, one of the regulars came in and she wasn't quite her usual happy self. It turns out she's had a rough few days; she found out that her husband is/was cheating on her, so she moved out. They have been married for a while and they have a really nice little girl who is about 8 or so. I feel so bad for her. Why do men do that? She just broke down and had tears in her eyes and said "I thought we were happy"

While her drink was being made (I had rang her up at the register) I wrote down my email address on a little card we have there and gave it to her-I told her if she ever needs to talk that she could email me. Even if she never does, she needs to know that people are here for her and that people care.

She was more worried about her daughter. She is so nice, I just can't believe it.

I just get so scared about my future-getting so far into a life and then something like that happening. The same with others I do you go on from something like that. I mean, I know I would not stay in that relationship/marriage, but after you've built a life with someone and they just tear it apart...

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