Monday, January 4, 2010

Special K diet

I've decided that I'm going to go on the Special K diet starting Friday. I get paid then so I can go grocery shopping for the Special K products. I think it will be a good thing for me since I love cereal, and I love chocolate and they have the best of BOTH worlds! It will also help with not needing to cook and not needing to try to decide what to eat. It will also be easy for bringing to work. I've been reading up on it and many people have had success. I know that obviously it's not going to work for everyone; but it seems as though it's something I would like and do well with. Up until then I'll just finish eating up what I have for food already, and then my dry food I'll just pack up and save for later or whatever. I might need to run out to the garage/storage to get a rubbermaid tub to put things in..........................................................Plus I'll have some chicken and veggies that I already have for my 3rd "non special K" meal each day. Or scrambled eggs. I still have lots of options, but will still be satisfied.

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