Thursday, January 21, 2010

Really people???

Oh joy...the people in the apartment upstairs are having sex...quite vigorously I might add, and they've been going at it for about half an hour.
So...Dad had/has pneumonia, and he was taking antibiotics, but now he has an ear infection. And mom's surgery that was supposed to be on Wednesday, is now tomorrow. I plan on calling dad's cell tomorrow afternoon-to give her enough time to be done with surgery and starting to feel more awake.

I've decided that I'm going to bring back my facebook at the end of January. I miss the pictures, and it's just quicker to get ahold of people. But I'm going to keep my "friends" in check so I'm not adding every single person I've ever known. Just people I actually talk to and am friends with.

I'm trying to think of what I want to do for my birthday. I'm trying to decide between a movie/game night, or do something like bowling.
Nothing important right now-but I was just watching Two and a Half Men and they were watching a Viking/Packer game...and Charlie had bet on the Packers; but the Vikings kicked a field goal right at the end of the episode - I just thought it was funny.

Go Vikes!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Here is a really good and interesting post from one of the blogs I'm following...I have started to feel this way-pretty strongly too. I would love to someday be a stay at home wife/mom.....

"Here are some feminist-produced double standards in our culture to think about:

How come people are extremely skeptical that a mother can teach her five children at home all at once, yet they put all faith in one teacher being able to simultaneously control and educate 30 unrelated and diverse children in the public school system? It is too much of an undertaking for that "poor" mother, yet no one questions the standard classroom size of the public school system?

How come being a nanny is a perfectly fine job for a woman, but being a mother (even though the jobs are basically the same) is not fulfilling and a waste of talent?

I thought of this a few days ago, when a young woman was telling my family how wonderful it was to get to stay home and watch her sister's children as their nanny. She talked of the peace, calm, and utter joy she had being at home with the little one, and this made me wonder why it's okay to watch children and enjoy it, as long as it isn't their own mother.

Our culture seems to project the idea that only jobs that have a paycheck are worthwhile, and that as long as you are doing work for someone other than your loved ones, it is fulfilling. There are many jobs women do in the workforce that are exactly the same as what they could do for their family, except that the women who work for strangers are seen as "fulfilled," and the women who work for loved ones are seen as "enslaved." Culture says it's better to work as a personal assistant or helper to a boss, than as a helper to your husband.

It's okay to be a nanny, a day care worker, a teacher, a maid, a chef, a seamstress, secretary, interior decorator, or flower arranger, just as long as the products or services you're providing are not going directly to your family.

This logic is utterly ridiculous! The work being done is often nearly the same, whether done at home or at a business! When feminists criticize homemaking as drudgery, or childcare as unfulfilling, I think that it's not really the work itself that is being criticized, but it is the realm we do it in. Feminists seem to have a problem with home.

Unfortunately, the general population today has been indoctrinated into believing these illogical ideas, and most people accept them without ever thinking about it. I would like to have comebacks to people's questions, and I think that when homeschooling moms are asked how they can educate so many children at once, they should point out how many children teachers are expected to take care of in the public school system. I don't think we have to give people a sermon on the ills of feminism every time a question like this pops up, but it's not a bad idea to always give them just a morsel of food for thought.

These are just some of my half/incomplete thoughts as of late. Are there any other inconsistencies that you've noticed? Please feel free to share."

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Well, I still have no facebook, I am slowly getting better at not checking my email every 2 minutes. Occasionally I still hear or see quotes and think "Facebook status" but that is getting better too.......................................I've been on my Special K diet and I feel like it's more successful than other times I've attempted a diet of any sort. I did have an interesting day yesterday, I really just wanted more than one meal bar before I went to work, so I had another one-BAD idea. WAY too much protein and fiber at one time. For the first hour at work my stomach kept cramping up-and I'm guessing that was the reason. It did stop, but I'm convinced it was too much fiber (or possibly protein) So I will definitely not be making that mistake again. I am planning on continuing with the special K diet for awhile. I also have a daily vitamin that I'm taking everyday. Although I might switch that to every other day, since I am getting quite a few vitamins from the special K products, so I don't want to overdo it too much on those.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I just got asked to be Personal Attendant for Michelle for her and Jon's wedding! This will be the largest role I've had in a wedding yet. I'm not exactly sure what all of my duties are, but I'm looking them up and I'm making a list. I know that I'm in charge of the "emergency kit" and helping her get dressed, but it's the little things that I need to be prepared for. I'm quite excited for this. The wedding is on October 2nd, so I have several months to get things together.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Special K diet

I've decided that I'm going to go on the Special K diet starting Friday. I get paid then so I can go grocery shopping for the Special K products. I think it will be a good thing for me since I love cereal, and I love chocolate and they have the best of BOTH worlds! It will also help with not needing to cook and not needing to try to decide what to eat. It will also be easy for bringing to work. I've been reading up on it and many people have had success. I know that obviously it's not going to work for everyone; but it seems as though it's something I would like and do well with. Up until then I'll just finish eating up what I have for food already, and then my dry food I'll just pack up and save for later or whatever. I might need to run out to the garage/storage to get a rubbermaid tub to put things in..........................................................Plus I'll have some chicken and veggies that I already have for my 3rd "non special K" meal each day. Or scrambled eggs. I still have lots of options, but will still be satisfied.
Haha, I'm watching Animal Cops Phoenix, and there is a story about this guy who brought his puppy to the vet and the puppy had a broken leg, so the man walked out saying he would splint the leg himself because he wasn't going to pay the "outrageous" prices for the puppy. But they showed him walking out and then driving off in some fancy car-so he can afford the car, but the living puppy isn't worth it? What an idiot.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ugh, is there no hope for some men? Today, at work, one of the regulars came in and she wasn't quite her usual happy self. It turns out she's had a rough few days; she found out that her husband is/was cheating on her, so she moved out. They have been married for a while and they have a really nice little girl who is about 8 or so. I feel so bad for her. Why do men do that? She just broke down and had tears in her eyes and said "I thought we were happy"

While her drink was being made (I had rang her up at the register) I wrote down my email address on a little card we have there and gave it to her-I told her if she ever needs to talk that she could email me. Even if she never does, she needs to know that people are here for her and that people care.

She was more worried about her daughter. She is so nice, I just can't believe it.

I just get so scared about my future-getting so far into a life and then something like that happening. The same with others I do you go on from something like that. I mean, I know I would not stay in that relationship/marriage, but after you've built a life with someone and they just tear it apart...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ahh. I'm sitting here, relaxing, I have a bit of a headache, but it's not too bad, I might take an Aleve in a bit so I can sleep. I work at 7:30 tomorrow, so I'm going to go to bed early. I'm actually looking forward to getting done with work so I can do some cleaning; nothing major, just some dusting and vacuuming.

I also need to get my hair trimmed-I might ask around work to see if anyone could do it for free (or for some baked goods hehe)

Ugh, headache is getting worse, so I think it's time for some Aleve, and then some reading!

New Year!

My facebook is deactivated!! I still feel the need to check my mail frequently-but I think it's more out of habit than anything else. So I'm hoping that will go away-and I won't feel the urge to check my email 50 times a day.

Anyway, I have to work at 11, so I should go and get ready for work. It's so ridiculous that I didn't get this weekend off for Sandberg Christmas. Ugh. I do need the money, but still.

Anyway, I'll probably write more when I get back from work. I do still have some cleaning to do....