Sunday, October 17, 2010


These are the fabrics I picked out for my first quilt. 

The solid brown (far right) will be the backing.  The circle pattern next to it will be the main border and some of the pieces in the middle.  The light fabric will be the small inside border and the sashing between each "block".  Then the small polka dot, solid red, small circles, solid orange, and the 2 striped (the 2nd striped one is hard to see, but it's the very far right) ones will make up the pieces in the middle.  Instead of typical blocks in the center-there will be longer "ribbons". 

I got these fabrics from Mill End Textiles where my friend works.  She got me a 60% off coupon, and she let me use her employee discount.  I actually saved more money than I spent-such a great feeling. 

I am going on a quilting retreat with my mom at the beginning of November.  I am quite excited to go.  It will be my first quilt, and some great quality time with my mom while having devotions and fellowship several times each day.


  1. What great colors! Can't wait to see how it turns out. Are you already working on it?

  2. I was very inspired by the fall colors all around me-God's creation is amazing and beautiful. Fall is my favorite time of year.

    I haven't started on it yet, my friend who does tons of sewing is going to help me with the cutting-we're going to have a "girls night" and work on sewing.

    I will definitely post pictures!
