Monday, October 3, 2011

Pausing in such a chaotic life

I know it's been quite a while since I've posted anything-over a month actually.  But I was inspired just now by reading a post by one of my fellow bloggers in Christ's name.  At 110% Surrendered? Katy posted something that made me pause. 

I have been getting so caught up in my own issues, that I forgot that all I need to do is surrender them to the Lord.  He is the only one that knows my true heart and what is best for me.

I need to pause more often and simply listen for the Lord, and meditate on what He is trying to tell me and where He is trying to guide me.

Because I feel like I've gotten separated from the path that I was walking with Him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your encouraging comment on my post today. Honestly, I am always relieved when people say "I don't agree with everything you say." I've never met another person who agreed with me 100%, and some of my best friends are those who I am the most opposite from. If I ever found people who agreed with me completely, I don't know what we'd talk about! :)

    P.S. I've always enjoyed your comments, your posts, and your tweets! I only wish I could've met you when I was visiting Wisconsin!
