I began thinking about this yesterday when I was washing dishes and listening to the radio (country, of course). One of the songs that came on mentioned "get married and settle down". I have been thinking about this since then.
Does getting married mean you must settle down? I believe the answer is both yes and no. Yes because you have the responsibility to your spouse. For women it means serving their husbands and for men it means supporting their family. And once children arrive, you will spend time teaching them. All while remaining obedient to God.
But using the Duggars (from the TLC television show) as a reference and example; they go on many "adventures" with the children. They are always educational, but they go on trips and get to meet many new people and get to share their faith in many ways.
I am eager to get to do these things with my future husband and children. If that is God's will for me anyway.
Taking Steps
8 years ago
Personally, it seems like the adventure starts once you have a husband and/or kids! It's a lot more fun going places with other people; going places by myself doesn't seem that much fun, so I rarely do. :(