Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Diamonds Devotions-June 29

"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." 
     --Zephaniah 3:17

     When my heart is restless and my soul is downcast, I often surround myself with the calming strains of a favorite hymn.  Sometimes when I want to express sheer praise, I'll pick up a happy psalm and just put it to any old tune that comes to mind.  I sing to myself.  I sing to God.  But I'm astonished to think what God sings to me.
     God sings!  Do you think He sings all four parts at once?  Maybe His music, so celestial and heavenly, resounds like a great choir.  No doubt He has invented chords and dischords, major and minor keys that our ears have never heard.  And I'm touched that He rejoices over you and me with an actual melody.  What's more, He quiets us with His loving song.

I have often thought of this when a beautiful hymn keeps rolling over and over in my mind.  Always, its tune lifts my spirit and carries me through the day.  No, I'm not playing a broken record in my head; the song, I'm convinced, is God's melody to me direct from His heart.  He is rejoicing over me with singing, hallelujah, and all I need to do is listen and be inspired.

     Put a song in my heart today, Lord, a praise song or a hymn that You wish to sing to me.  May I enjoy Your melody and may I remember throughout the day that it is Your song.  It is Your singing.

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