So yesterday, I discovered my car-which I have named Artie, had been basically set on fire. I worked until 11 on Friday, did some shopping, then came home and parked in front of my apartment on the street. I did not go out to it again until yesterday at around 1:00/1:30.
As I was walking out to it, I was wondering why it was so "foggy" looking in the windows. Much to my surprise, I found that some obnoxious jackwads decided to have some fun in my car. It was not locked-yeah yeah...I know, I should lock it-and believe me, now I'm pretty paranoid about it. I filed a report with the police and gave them the lighter and book of matches I found in my car.
The inside front corner of my passenger seat is completely burned away, and part of the floor/center console is also melted/burned. The inside of my car-all the windows and such were covered in smoke residue. I went out there this morning and cleaned with window cleaner and paper towels to get it clean...I went through almost an entire roll of paper towels.
But now I'm waiting for some clothes to dry and I'm gonna go get some lunch...and then continue to work on cleaning my room and the apartment.
Taking Steps
8 years ago
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