Friday, February 25, 2011

More "Spring cleaning"

So with February winding down and Spring around the corner; I thought this would be a good time to do some "internal" spring cleaning. 

I still have some items left on my "normal" cleaning list-like vacuuming, organizing, etc.  But it is also time to take a look in the mirror and rid myself of bad habits any masks I might hide behind from time to time. 

I am watching The Biggest Loser right now online (because I have class 6-9 each Tuesday night and miss the whole thing) and I'm feeling inspired by them, I'm feeling inspired by my newest Self magazine that I just got in the mail yesterday. 

I need to work on clearing out my own mind-essentially forgiving myself of past sins.  Because I know the Father has forgiven me.  But the hardest part is forgiving myself and trying to move past the mistakes of my past.  God gave his Son for our sins, so I need to let them go myself so I can truly live for God. 

I need to realize that my friends love me for who I am-the quirky, nerdy, girlie that I am.  So I need to allow myself to open up to them-God brought them into my life for a reason.  They are just what I needed at this time in my life-especially our time on Sunday nights. 

I need to set aside more time for just Scripture and devotion.  I have not been doing that nearly as much as I know I should or want to.

But that is it for now.  I better go and get ready for work soon. 

God Bless.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Spring Cleaning!

This week I will be starting my spring cleaning; I know it's only February, but It's starting to get to me.  I also want to do this major cleaning before classes and my workload start to build up.  Because having a dirty space is distracting to me when I'm trying to concentrate on my classwork.

I've walked through my apartment with my notebook and started making a list of what I want to do in each room, starting with the kitchen, then the bathroom, living room, my bedroom, etc.  I'm going to share what I have on my list so far.  Please feel free to share any tips or other ideas you may have.  Thanks

wash dishes
clean stovetop
clean wall behind stove
clean out microwave
clean and organize under sink
clean and organize under microwave (wheeled cart)
clean and organize kitchen table
clean and organize top of fridge
organize pantry
organize pots/pans cupboards
clean garbage can
clean out fridge-throw away expired and leftovers, scrub shelves, organize food
clean sink
vacuum cobwebs
sweep floor
mop floor

unclog sink
scrub sink
unclog tub
scrub tub
clean toilet
vacuum vent
clean mirror and cabinet
vacuum cobwebs
sweep floor
mop floor

Living Room:
vacuum cobwebs
dust-mantle, tv, dvds, game shelves, pictures, entry table
organize sewing table
organize dvds
organize green coffee table
vacuum under couch cushions
wipe down coffee table
vacuum carpet

make bed
dust-tv, wooden shelf, pictures, back of desk
laundry-towels: kitchen, bathroom, my towels
organize storage bench
organize bookshelf cupboards
organize wooden drawers
clean makeup brushes
clean under bed
vacuum under bed
vacuum carpet
clean computer keyboard

bring in stuff
organize emergency kit
clean trunk
vacuum floor

Friday, February 4, 2011

Curling attempt

So last night after I showered, I put my hair in curlers and slept with them in (since they are foam and covered in fabric). 

As of now they are still in, because I have really thick hair (I mean REALLY) thick, and my hair is still a little damp.  So I will let them dry more on their own-now that they're not pressed up against a pillow, restricting their airflow.  But I might use my hair dryer with the diffuser attachment.

I also have started making my spring cleaning list.  But I will probably start a little bit today, but I'm meeting with a "buddy" for a class assignment.  And I'm going to see Snow White with a group of work friends-because one of our friends/co-workers is in it.  So today will be relatively busy, but next week should have calmed down some so I can get lots done.